
Hello out there

Hi there! I'm Jenny, and my husband, John, and I have been married for just over a year. The above picture was taken on August 29th, 2008, just before we said our vows. In the past year, we have experienced so much... getting married, deciding to move from Seattle, Washington to Long Island, New York, John being a house husband, a crazy Christmas snowstorm in Seattle that made the city come to a screeching halt, leaving my job, packing to move, driving from Seattle to New York, going on our honeymoon, living with John's parents while we looked for a place, changing plans from renting in Brooklyn to owning a house on Long Island, going through renovations on said house (it's still not done), feeling less creative than ever because we live in John's old bedroom, celebrating our birthdays (John's 30th and my 29th), buying a new car, and celebrating our first wedding anniversary in Manhattan.

As you can see, we've had a pretty eventful year! This blog is really just for snits and giggles, and so for posterity I will backpedal in many of my first posts to write about some of the events listed above. In this blog, I'll write about anything encompassing our lives: John's music, my jewelry business and other crafty endeavors, our house renovation, our families and friends (to some extent... I'm not getting too personal and airing any dirty laundry!), and anything else that catches my fancy.

So, welcome to our little corner of the world. Make yourself comfortable.


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