
Making the decision

John and I had a hard time making that final decision to move from Seattle to New York. Ninety-five percent of our close friends, and all of my immediate family, live in the Greater Puget Sound area.

Plus, our apartment, located in the Capitol Hill neighborhood, was so awesome. Yeah, it was a studio, but it worked for us, and you have to admire that view!

Ultimately, we decided to move to New York so John could work as a steamfitter, giving him the sort of pay increase that we could use to start a little nest egg for ourselves - to own a house, to start saving for when we have some kids, etc etc. As John calls it, "a means to a beginning." Unfortunately, we figured out that we'd most likely never be as financially stable as we'd like if we stayed in Seattle, so it was that logic that won out.

Breaking to news to my family and all our friends was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do... of course everyone supported us in our decision, but there was a lot of general sadness. I hated every minute of having to tell everyone we loved in Seattle that we would be leaving, but it had to be done.

We told everyone in the fall, and our move date was set for the end of February, so we had many "lasts:" Last time going to the Cinerama, last Sassy Girls' Dinner, last New Year's party, last day of work, last, last, last. We made every second count, though, and on February 21st, 2009, we had our final going away party at Sun Liquor, our favorite bar in all of Seattle, where the bartenders know us and love us, the drinks are strong, and everyone is welcome.

And on February 27th, we had either packed up, thrown out, or given away all of our belongings and said goodbye to our sweet little apartment for the last time. We got into the Wonder Van and started our trip across the country.


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